ARTICLE I – PURPOSE AND FUNCTION The purpose of this organization shall be to bring together parents of the parish school children; to acquaint them more fully with the operation of the school; to help with the work connected with the school program; & to develop a closer relationship between the parents and teachers.
PTO activities should be monitored by the school council. Financial reports are to be monitored by the finance committee. PTO budget should be approved by the finance committee.
Any parent of a school child, whether Catholic or Non-Catholic, is a voting member.
All teachers & school administrative staff of Sts. Peter & Paul are voting members.
Officers include, President, Vice President, Secretary, & Treasurer. There shall be one Class
Representative to represent each grade, & one teacher representative (appointed by teachers).
The current PTO officers & class representatives shall select & approve candidates for new
officers & class representatives. Prior to selection of candidates, it must be published in the school newsletter asking for nominees for all positions. Candidates must be approved by principal. The candidates must be affirmed at the PTO April meeting.
Those elected to a PTO officer position will be for a 1-year term beginning June 1 thru May 31
of the following year. Members cannot serve more than two consecutive 1-year terms in a given office. After an interim of one year the member is eligible to serve in the given officer position again.
During the month of May, current officers & reps. Are responsible for training & instructing the
new officers on their job duties.
If a member is unable to fulfill his term, a new member will be appointed & approved by the
officers and the principal. The new member must be published in school newsletter.
President – shall conduct all meetings & preform such other duties as the PTO may direct. The
President is responsible for sending out an agenda to all PTO members prior to the meeting. The President is responsible for giving out a copy of the by-laws to all new members.
Vice President – assist the President as needed; assume duties of the President in her absence.
Duties also include coordinating the playground mulch & playground equipment and maintenance needs.
Secretary – Takes minutes of all PTO & Officer meetings; sends the minutes to parish business
manager & school secretary. The school secretary will e-mail minutes to all PTO members. Secretary & business manager shall maintain copies of minutes for permanent records.
Treasurer – keeps copies of financial reports, managed by parish business manager. The Duties
include getting snacks & water for ISTEP testing.
Class Representatives – represent their classes by voicing the opinions and suggestions that are
brought forth to them by the parents of their respective class. They shall communicate to their class members any announcements or special activities as needed; coordinate one PTO event as assigned (see duties below); organize/delegate the Christmas classroom parties. Each class representative will be allotted $6 per student in the class for the Christmas party. Each class representative will serve as the coordinator for one PTO annual event.
Each class representative will communicate the teacher’s birthday information to their respective class for a general announcement through email. No coordinated teacher gift is required.
If a class representative is going over the allotted budget for any event, they must receive approval from the president and treasurer.Receipts for expenses must be submitted to the Parish Financial Officer in a timely manner to keep the budget balanced.
If the class representative is planning to request donations from parents, they must receive approval from the president and principal.
Class Representative Responsibilities and Descriptions:
Kindergarten and 1st Grade: Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation is held at the beginning of May. The kindergarten and first grade class rep(s) should work with the principal/president to coordinate a “thank you” luncheon & potentially other events for the school faculty. See PTO budget for the amount available for this event. The event is for the entire school staff and includes a gift for teachers. The class representative will NOT request donations from families for this event.
2nd & 3rd Grade: Grandparent’s Day
Grandparent’s Day is held in September. The second and third grade class rep(s) coordinate the refreshments, supplies, decorations, set-up/clean-up, and Volunteers. In the past, this event has been held in the cafeteria. Refer to the PTO budget for the amount available for this event.
4th Grade: 5th Grade Mass Reception
The 5th grade Reception is held immediately following the 5th Grade Mass (typically on a Monday evening) in May. The fourth grade class rep(s) coordinates the refreshments, supplies, set-up/clean-up, and volunteers. In the past, this event has been held in the cafeteria. Refer to the PTO budget for the amount available for this event.
5th Grade: Prayer Partner Reception/Event
The Prayer Partner Reception/Event is held in November immediately following the prayer partner Mass. The fifth grade class rep coordinates the refreshments, supplies, decorations, set-up/clean-up in the FLC, and volunteers. Refer to the PTO budget for the amount available for this event.
There shall be three meetings during the school year in August, January, and April.
Officers & Class Reps will meet before PTO meetings. Newsletters will be sent home to parent to inform them of upcoming events on an as needed basis.
Any special meeting deemed necessary may be called by the President.
The committees for the various functions needed by PTO shall either be volunteered or appointed by the officers.
The order of conducting the meetings shall be:
1. Opening Prayer 5. Committee Reports 2. Special Program (if any) 6. Old Business 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting 7. New Business 4. Treasurer’s Report 8. Closing Prayer
All expenditures will be submitted to & paid by the parish business manager as approved in the annual budget. Parish cash control policies will be followed for all PTO financial activities which will be sent to the PTO treasure & parish finance committee on a monthly basis.
The parish business manager will maintain a spreadsheet for PTO financial activities which will be sent to the PTO treasure & parish finance committee on a monthly basis.
All expenditures over $500 must be approved by the PTO officers & principal. This does not apply to any items that were included in the approved annual budget.
All expenditures over $2,000 must be approved by the PTO committee & Finance committee.
This does not apply to any items that were included in the approved annual budget.
Two-thirds of voting PTO members shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum is present, a simple majority vote may pass any resolutions. If a quorum is not present, members not present may cast an absentee vote, after being well informed of all details of subject to be voted upon.
Any member of the parish may present proposals & recommendations to the PTO for possible future consideration through any officer. The person making the proposal may be invited to
make his/her presentation at a regular or special meeting of the PTO.
ARTICLE VIII – REVIEW These by-laws of Sts. Peter & Paul PTO shall be reviewed and updated as needed but no less frequently than every three years.