Academics Curriculum & Testing Sts. Peter & Paul School follows the curriculum guidelines established by the Catholic Office of Education, Diocese of Evansville, and the Indiana Department of Education. We offer opportunities for growth in: Religion Language Arts Mathematics Physical Education Social Studies Science Handwriting Fine Arts Computer Literacy
Progress/Evaluation One Parent-Teacher Conference is held each year. Conference schedule are prepared and issued by the school office well in advance of the scheduled date. Parents requiring additional conferences during the school year may make arrangements through the school office.
Reports cards are issued 4 times a year. Midterms or progress reports are left to the discretion of each teacher. The only time these will definitely be sent home is when a student is failing a subject or having a problem that needs the parent’s immediate attention.
Counselor Access to counseling services is available through Catholic Charities (812-423-5466).
Academic Testing ILearn+ is currently administered in grades 3, 4, and 5 as determined by the state.
Gibson-Pike-Warrick Special Education Coop provides testing when requested to diagnose any special needs.
Promotion/Retention Policy Advancement to the next level in Sts. Peter & Paul School is based on a student’s daily performance, test results, recommendations of teachers, and his/her ability to complete work successfully on a more advance level.
Promotion to the next grade level depends on successful completion of all subject areas. The administration may recommend the repetition of a level, tutoring, or summer school classes.
Retention will be decided upon after conference between parents and teacher. If a child enters the next grade over the advice of the professional staff, parents will be required to sign a statement that they realize that the transfer is against the professional advice of the staff.
Library The school has an amply stocked, current library maintained through the generosity of volunteer staff. Students are encouraged to use the library for curricular enrichment and pleasure reading. Students will have one scheduled library visit per week. Individual instructors make additional use. Borrowed books are to be returned on time and in good condition.
Homework Formal homework is assigned to help students become self-reliant and self-directed. Assignments are designed to reinforce daily lessons, to supplement and enrich class work, and to prepare for certain lessons through various experiences.
Since each student has different capabilities and interests, it would be difficult to denote the specific amount of time to be spent on an assignment. If a problem arises, the teacher should be contacted.
Upon notification by a parent of a student’s absence, arrangements can be made for homework pickup.